Thursday, February 18, 2010

No more Baggage

I have too much clutter in my life!

Ya know, one of the reasons I think I might never move is because I HATE to think about cleaning out my house and moving. A lot of my girlfriends even say they know I will never move, because I could never do it. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have SO much money (not even CLOSE) that I have every luxury known to man. No, I am the thrift shop/yard sale QUEEN! If it's a bargain, I have to have it! Last year, my husband tried to make a rule (isn't he cute??) that if I bought something at a yard sale, I had to get rid of something else! Yeah, like THAT worked!

When pioneers in covered wagons crossed the prairies and mountains to go West, there was NO room for extra baggage. They had to sit loose and travel light. Since I started this blog on Ash Wednesday, I thought that I might try to learn the discipline of traveling light. Can I give up hitting that thrift shop finding a brand NEW dress for ONLY $1.25?? Man, it's going to be hard...but how many dresses do I need out West anyway? Hell, for that matter how many do I need here in the East?

A good deal of this weight is is just baggage--the outworn good we carry long after its utility has disappeared. I need to be a Nomad on the March! I can't afford a clutter of possessions, so I need to let go and to be ready for action. This will be my goal for now.....can I do it?? We shall see...

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